
3月13日, 2020, the President of the United States declared that a national emergency concerning the COVID-19 outbreak began on March 1, 2020. 2020年3月27日,总统签署了 冠状病毒援助、救济和经济安全法案.

4月9日, 2020, Secretary DeVos announced funding to provide direct emergency cash grants to college students whose lives and educations have been disrupted by the coronavirus outbreak. 的 Department of Education has released institutional funds from the 高等教育紧急救援基金 在《正规博彩网站排名亚洲体育博彩平台》中创建.

作为一名康考迪亚大学欧文分校的学生, you may be eligible for emergency grants provided to the university from the federal government. 提供给大学的金额限制在861美元,799 and will be distributed based on a student's complete 关心行为 application.

的 关心行为 application for emergency grants is now available to eligible students. 请填妥申请表并交回 (电子邮件保护) 带着任何你想让我们员工审阅的文件. 的 June 1st deadline for applications has been extended until funds are exhausted.

Non-eligible: students who were enrolled exclusively in online programs on March 13, 2020, 没有资格获得紧急补助金. 国际 and DACA students are also excluded from receiving emergency grants.

合格的学生: must meet Title IV eligibility requirements in order to receive HEERF emergency grants. Having an official 2019-20 FAFSA on record determines that a student is eligible to participate in the student aid programs and meets all applicable eligibility requirements.

的 university will review all applications as they are received and verify that student eligibility meets federal government guidelines for the disbursement of emergency grants. 为了加快收到资金,我们建议学生注册 直接存款 和/或验证您的邮寄地址是否准确 MyRecords.



冠状病毒援助, 救援 and Economic Security (CARES) Act allocates funds to support individuals, businesses and organizations nationwide affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and economic downturn. 的 act includes several sources of funds for colleges and universities, 包括高等教育紧急救济基金.

什么是关怀法案 / Higher Education Emergency 救援 Fund provided by the Federal Government?

冠状病毒援助, 救援 and Economic Security (CARES) Act was passed by Congress and signed into law to provide economic relief from COVID-19. One section of the 关心行为 established the Higher Education Emergency 救援 fund which sent money to schools to provide direct emergency cash grants to college students whose lives and education have been disrupted by the coronavirus outbreak.


的 关心行为 application for emergency grants is now available to eligible students. 请填妥申请表并交回 (电子邮件保护) 带着任何你想让我们员工审阅的文件. 的 June 1st deadline for applications has been extended until funds are exhausted.


No. 的 U.S. 教育部于4月21日星期二澄清 国际学生无法获得《正规博彩网站排名亚洲体育博彩平台》的资助.


No. 的 U.S. 教育部于4月21日星期二澄清 that 关心行为 funding is not available to DACA or undocumented students.

Are students enrolled in an exclusively online programs eligible for the Cares Act?

No. 的 U.S. 教育部于4月21日星期二澄清 that 关心行为 funding is not available to students enrolled in an exclusively online programs.


紧急现金奖助金从200美元到1000美元不等. We will review the applications received and allocate funds based on students’ stated expenses. 资金有限.


为了加快收到资金,我们建议学生注册 直接存款 和/或验证您的邮寄地址是否准确 MyRecords.


是的. You must have been registered for Spring 2020 and enrolled at least half time (3 units graduate students and 6 units undergraduate students) to be considered for a 关心行为 emergency grants.


No. 《正规博彩网站排名亚洲体育博彩平台》拨款不能支付给你的账单. 的se funds will be disbursed directly to you by 直接存款 or check mailed via USPS. 一旦你收到这笔钱,你就可以随心所欲地使用它们. 的se funds are for your expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to the coronavirus.


No. 《正规博彩网站排名亚洲体育博彩平台》紧急拨款是联邦政府的拨款. 它不是学生贷款,不需要偿还.


No. 财政部周四表示, 5月7日, released additional guidance on the taxability of emergency grant funding provided to students through the Coronavirus Aid, 救援, 以及《正规博彩网站排名亚洲体育博彩平台》. 美国国税局(IRS)在一份声明中表示 FAQ文档, that these emergency funds provided to students will not count as taxable income. "Emergency financial aid grants under the 关心行为 for unexpected expenses, 未满足的财政需要, or expenses related to the disruption of campus operations on account of the COVID-19 pandemic … are qualified disaster relief payments under section 139 of the Internal Revenue Code. 这项补助金不包括在你的总收入中。” 美国国税局表示. Although these funds are not taxable, they will be included on your 1098-T for calendar year 2020.

资金 & 支出报告

根据《正规博彩网站排名亚洲体育博彩平台》, 欧文康考迪亚大学 has received (or anticipates receiving) $1,723,598 in funding through the 高等教育紧急救援基金, and has signed and returned the required acknowledgement committing to provide no less than 50% of the funding in emergency grants directly to students whose lives and education have been disrupted by the coronavirus outbreak.

To determine which students receive emergency grants and how much they would receive under Section 18004(a)(1) of the 关心行为, 欧文康考迪亚大学 created a distribution formula for Title IV eligible (federal aid) students that incorporates Department of Education guidelines, 佩尔助学金资格, 2020年春季学期入学. 资金根据2019- 2020年提交的文件确定的需求提供 免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA®). 今年没有提交FAFSA的学生截止日期为6月30日, 2020, to complete the 2019-20 FAFSA to be considered for an emergency grant.

符合条件的本科生最高可获得1000美元. 符合条件的研究生最高可获得500美元. 近1,200 students are eligible to receive emergency grants upon submitting a 关心行为 application with qualified expenses. 由于中断而产生的合格费用包括, 但不限于:课程材料, 技术, 食物, 住房, 医疗保健, 照顾孩子, 和运输.

收到的资金总额 $1,723,598
分配资金总额 $1,723,598
合格学生的估计总数 1,258
获得紧急助学金的学生总数 983


