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March 13, 2017 - 4 minute read


澳大利亚学生安德森·克拉克(Anderson Clarke)在欧文康考迪亚大学(Concordia University Irvine)打男子篮球最喜欢的是他在场上和场下的支持系统.

Berenice Samperio, a freshman from Mexico, 来尔湾康考迪亚大学才几个月, but she said it already feels like home. 

克拉克和桑佩里奥是国际学生中的两名.在康考迪亚大学欧文分校4000多名学生中,有9%的人 College Data.

The students, who come from 24 different countries, choose Concordia University Irvine for its academics, sports, size, and mission.


“我选择康科迪亚是因为你得到的环境和支持,”桑佩里奥说. “对体育和上帝的重视最适合我的性格.”

康考迪亚致力于国际学生的学业成功和社会发展. According to President Kurt Krueger, 这所文理大学重视来自世界各地的学生给学校带来的独特视角.  

“我们的国际学生很快成为康考迪亚大家庭的一员,因为他们在我们的宿舍和演讲厅与我们多样化的学生社区互动,” he said. “我们的学生和教授都很欣赏国际学生, 他们也渴望向他们学习,因为他们分享了自己独特的文化.”

Samperio离开墨西哥去了圣华金纪念高中, a Catholic high school in Fresno, when she was in the 10th grade. As an only child, whose parents are still in Mexico, 她很感激她的女子水球队友们如此热情和理解.

“My team, we’re already like a family,” Samperio said. “这让我离开家更容易,但我仍然觉得我在家里.”



“我最有价值的经历是更好地了解了中国文化,” says the water polo player. “我可以和队友们分享我的文化,他们也欢迎我加入他们的文化. They explain to me that our cultures are different, but we’re still willing to spend time with one another, and understand each other’s point of view.”

2014年,克拉克高中最后一年,他的家人搬到了美国. 他现在是欧文康考迪亚大学传播学专业的大三学生,并计划成为一名大学篮球教练. Clarke had planned to attend college in the U.S. even before his parents decided to move here. Clarke, who has three younger siblings, 他说大家同时行动很好.

他说康考迪亚大学欧文分校“非常适合”他, Clarke said, “I love the program, the coaches here are awesome, it’s a great area, 南加州的天气与澳大利亚相似, the people are nice, and it’s a small school.”


“每个人似乎都像一家人一样对待彼此,”他说. “That definitely clicked with me, especially having not been in the country long, everyone seemed very friendly, kind, and caring, that definitely made a huge difference coming here.”


“每个人似乎都认识团队中的每个人以及谁在支持他们. Some people live close to Concordia, but a lot of people are from out of state, and we have three international guys on the team.  成为一个团队的一员感觉很棒,每个人都很亲密. 团队中的每个人都给予了我们很大的支持, to the coaches, to the fans, even to the professors, who are very understanding, which is always helpful,” he said.

As student-athletes, 桑佩里奥和克拉克都期待着作为全国大学体育协会(NCAA)二级学校的一员参加比赛. As such, 作为全国校际体育协会(NAIA)的一员,康考迪亚大学欧文分校将与更大的学院和大学竞争.)  

Samperio在来加州之前从未玩过水球. 高中时,一位教练看到她会游泳,鼓励她参加游泳队的选拔. 她接受了挑战,正如她所说:“水球选择了我.作为崔女子水球队的守门员, 她期待着作为DII学校面临更加激烈的竞争.

康考迪亚大学欧文分校(Concordia University Irvine)三年的会员申请程序即将结束,预计2017-18学年将成为正式会员, 这将使它成为奥兰治县唯一的NCAA DII学校.

When Clarke first visited Concordia University Irvine, 这所学校刚刚开始成为DII学校. He said it was exciting being on the front end of that.

“作为NCAA DII给了我们更多的可信度,因为与NAIA相比,更多的人知道NCAA,” Clarke said. “We’ll be up against better players. It’ll take our team to the next level.”

作为NCAA DII给了我们更多的信誉,因为更多的人知道NCAA相比NAIA

康考迪亚大学欧文分校有20个校队项目,大约450名学生运动员参加了它的体育项目. Over the last five years, 康考迪亚大学欧文分校赢得了五次全美棒球锦标赛冠军, men’s basketball, women’s volleyball, men’s volleyball, and softball.

Clarke, who is a small forward or power forward, 为他的男子篮球纪录感到骄傲,并期待在这一成功的基础上再接再厉.

“Last year, 我们在太平洋西部联盟的第一个赛季非常成功,最终并列联盟第一,” he said. “很高兴能够脱颖而出,给一些球队带来惊喜,并且做得和我们一样好. That was a venerable first step as part of the PacWest.”

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