

2022年8月17日 - 4分钟阅读

Dr. 迈克尔·托马斯。


We are eagerly anticipating your arrival on campus. I wanted to share some exciting developments awaiting you on campus.


欧文康考迪亚大学 just revealed our new university brand last week. 我们现在是金鹰队!

Starting with extensive market research conducted last year, engaging focus groups of diverse stakeholders, and working with an exceptional marketing and brand partner, Concordia is prepared to tell our story more clearly, 更大胆的, 更广泛地说! The specific elements of the new brand—new logo, 学术密封, 运动的吉祥物, and the new Freedom to Explore campaign—highlight and enhance our commitment to providing an outstanding Christian education in southern California and beyond.



One of the traditions I most love here at Concordia is that student leaders and Campus Ministry are empowered to pick the theme verse for the year. The Spirit certainly worked in that room as the students turned to Paul’s letter to the Church in Rome. 保罗写道:

所以我劝你们, 兄弟姐妹们, 藉著神的怜悯, to present your bodies as a sacrifice that is living, 神圣的, and 满意的 to God; this is your reasonable worship. 不要顺从这个时代, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind so that you may test and discern what is the good, 满意的, 和神完全的旨意. (罗马书12:1-2)

From this text, the students picked the theme for 2022-2023: Transformed. If you’ve seen the new campus ministry shirts for the year, you’ll note that the image is that of a butterfly, 这是转型的恰当象征, 但也许更重要的是, it is a poignant symbol of the resurrection of our Lord.

This verse calls us to remember that by God’s abundant love and mercy, we have been given newness of life through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. While we often are burdened and shaped by a broken world around us and the brokenness of sin within us, God’s Word invites us to walk each day in the renewing transformation Jesus seeks to work in our lives.

It’s a fitting theme verse for this coming academic year, as we focus on myriad transformations that are afforded by a fresh start in the gospel.


Several campus buildings have undergone their own transformation over the summer months. Thanks to a generous donation from long-time campus supporters, the 图书馆 is now the Paul & 凯西施罗德图书馆和学习共享. We invite you to walk through this amazing new building when you return to campus.

The new library space includes a new Welcome Center that will serve as a “first stop” for all visitors on campus. The top floor of the Schroeder 图书馆 and Learning Commons provide a central location for all student success offices, 包括学术指导, 残疾人访问服务(DAS)和测试, 辅导, 写作工作室, the Office of Career Development and Vocation, and a new Unity Center where students can meet and relax. The bottom floor has been renovated with new automated stacks for the 图书馆’s book collections, 图书馆职员的新办公室, and plenty of individual and group study areas.

All the residential lounges have been remodeled with air conditioning and new furniture. 书店已经重新装修过了, a second Engineering classroom has been added in the 图书馆, 艺术, 剧院(LAT)大楼, 科罗拉多大学体育馆现在有空调了, 也!

更多的项目正在进行中. A new Softball stadium will be under construction soon. The finished field and new bleachers are anticipated to be ready by January 2023. A new retaining wall is currently in construction and should be finished by Christmas. You can expect traffic along Dorm Road to be impacted periodically in the next few months.

最后, campus signage reflecting the new branding will be installed throughout the upcoming semester. We will have new signs at each campus entrance, wayfinding标志, 以及科罗拉多大学体育馆的新运动品牌, 棒球场, 和足球, Track & 场区域. New campus banners have already been installed with the new logo and seal.


We look forward to a year minimally affected by COVID-19. In line with the CDC’s relaxing of most health guidelines, there are no masking or social distancing guidelines in place on campus. Students will still have access to testing in the Wellness Center, and isolation rooms are available for students who test positive. The new guidelines also eliminate the need for close contacts to quarantine.


As you embark on this new journey of the 2022-23 academic year 在欧文的康考迪亚大学, I want to encourage you to stop and reflect with hope and gratitude. 我们有太多要感谢的了, and I hope and pray that you’ll take the time to reflect on our Lord’s many blessings, 为家庭, 朋友, 教师, 工作人员, 导师, 等.

Allow me to close this note to you with some blessings for the year:

May our Lord richly bless your coming weeks and months as you begin your courses! 我知道你得到了很好的照顾, as the 教师 and 工作人员 dedicate themselves fully to your development into wise, 可敬的, 有教养的公民. And may God even more richly bless you as you make new 朋友, 与其他金雕重新联系, participate in many extra-curricular programs, and of course as you work towards earning your academic degree at Concordia!

迈克尔·A总裁. 托马斯。
