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Pick Up Stix创始人Charlie Zhang在Laguna Niguel商学院开启新学年

IRVINE, Calif. (September 12, 2016)—With only $20 in his pocket and no degree, 24岁的查理·张(Charlie Zhang)于1980年从上海移民到美国,以逃避祖国中国的革命. 经过努力工作和成功经营橙县Pick Up Stix餐厅和其他18家初创公司,张最近被任命为 School of Business at Concordia University Irvine 作为其第一个常驻企业家(EiR),向商学院学生传授现实世界的商业经验.

As Entrepreneur in Residence at the private liberal arts university, Zhang will mentor and counsel students about new business ideas, guest lecture in undergraduate and graduate classes, and keep standing office hours. 所有专业的学生——不仅仅是商科——都可以得到张老师的建议. The Laguna Niguel entrepreneur, 他于8月22日开学第一天正式上任,他还将与商科学生联谊会的成员会面, Delta Sigma Pi, to discuss career options, 并为明年春天康考迪亚大学第二届科尼利厄斯商业计划竞赛审核学生的商业计划. 张还将在毕业课程中讨论MBA学生的商业计划. 他的第一个任务是9月13日周二下午6点作为客座演讲者.m. in the MBA entrepreneurship class taught by adjunct professor Art Carter, 地方金融机构商业银行集团的副总裁, 在张先生为另一家银行工作时帮助他推出Pick Up Stix的人是谁.

“所有的学生都喜欢查理,”商学院院长斯蒂芬·克里斯滕森(Stephen Christensen)说. “They admire his humility, expertise and availability.”

Originating primarily in venture capital firms, 如今,常驻企业家(EiR)的角色通常是临时性的,而且已经扩展到商学院和科技公司. EiRs bring an entrepreneurial perspective, 为那些打算走上同样道路的商科学生提供指导.

This is Zhang’s first time to serve as an Entrepreneur in Residence. “I see this as a job, an obligation and commitment,” he says. “I never attended the university in China. 我想去美国的基督教大学学习,希望培养成功的企业家.这也标志着刚刚获得认证的康考迪亚大学欧文分校商学院(Concordia University Irvine)首次获得EiR. Plans include adding more EiRs who are experts in their fields, as well as men and women of faith, say university officials. Zhang hopes that students will walk away with one important lesson. “Even after all that success in so many different industries, at the end of the day, the Bible is the play book.”

To become an Entrepreneur in Residence at Concordia University Irvine, 候选人必须是一位基督教商业领袖,并且已经创办了一家成功的公司, or companies, according to Christensen. “They must also have a servant’s heart to encourage, teach, inspire, and mentor students, and give back to the community.张将在整个学年——从现在到2017年毕业——担任博彩平台网址大全的EiR. “康考迪亚大学很荣幸能有这样一位成功的企业家来指导我们的学生, 一个有伟大信仰和价值观的人,用他的现实世界的专业知识补充课堂学习.”


After several jobs in the food service industry, Zhang opened his own restaurant in 1984 and five years later, he launched the successful restaurant brand, Pick Up Stix. After selling the casual dining Asian restaurant business, he established Zion Enterprises, a real estate company developing commercial, retail, 以及住宅项目,如今,张在这家总部位于拉古纳的公司担任首席执行官. 他的声誉为他赢得了多项荣誉,包括Ernst年度企业家 & Young, the “Spirit of Life” philanthropic award from the City of Hope, 以及埃利斯岛荣誉勋章,表彰移民对美国做出的贡献. 这位拉古纳尼古尔居民是康科迪亚商学院和查普曼大学阿吉罗斯商学院的顾问委员会成员. 他也是太平洋交响乐团和鲍尔斯博物馆的董事会成员.

Prior to his Entrepreneur in Residence appointment, 张已经在欧文的康考迪亚大学担任学生的导师. 他曾担任该校年度商业计划竞赛的团队导师, 并担任商学院青少年暑期商学院的商业计划评委, Teen Entrepreneur Academy; and as a speaker for the Business Insights Series,由康考迪亚商学院(Concordia’s School of Business)赞助的一系列知名演讲嘉宾.

Internationally, 张资助了四川大地震后的小学重建,最近又资助了南京附近一系列小学的建设. Domestically, he has helped fund church buildings on both coasts of the United States, 并通过锡安慈善基金为学生和有需要的人提供赞助, a non-profit humanitarian organization.

About the School of Business at Concordia University Irvine

The School of Business is home to the largest undergraduate program at Concordia University Irvine. 获国际商业教育认证委员会(IACBE), 本科经济和工商管理课程侧重于会计, business data analytics, finance, international business, management, marketing, and sport management. MBA课程侧重于商业实践,为在职专业人士提供灵活性. Faculty include entrepreneurs and executives. 商学院是一年一度的信仰与商业中心的所在地 & Business Forum, the Business Insights Series, the Center for Public Policy, the Teen Entrepreneurship Academy, the Kid Entrepreneur Academy and the Institute for Strategic Marketing.

About Concordia University Irvine

Concordia University Irvine (CUI)是一所私立非营利性的路德基督教四年制文科大学,为学生的职业——他们的人生召唤——做准备. Concordia offers undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs in education, nursing, theology, business, and coaching/athletics administration. CUI的本科课程因其国家认可的核心课程而与众不同, Enduring Questions & Ideas, and its Lutheran 它提供了一个有思想、有爱心的基督徒社区,活出了基督教的神学 "Grace Alone. Faith Alone." Concordia is a U.S. 被《博彩平台网址大全》评为发展最快的私立非营利性硕士院校之一. Marking its 40th anniversary this year, the university enrolls over 4,每年有1000名学生,是全国大学体育协会(NCAA)第二部门会员程序的最后一年.

Orith Farago
Communications Consultant
(714) 582-2300
[email protected]

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